Two Tables Tale...this is a tale of two tables that I have refinished. And as you can see they are very much alike but different. The problem is I forgot to take a before picture of the after one. And I forgot to take an after picture of the before one. Does that make sense? Let me try again..So the tale is the table in the before picture I bought from my Niece and refinished it in a very similar paint design, but I didn't get a picture of it, I put it down at the fleamarket and it was gone in 3 days. So I found this one in the after picture at one of the local thrift shops, and as I said I forgot to take a picture of it...
Anyhow this one also started out as black, I sanded with the palm sander, then painted with a grayish/blue paint that I used in my kitchen. I left some of the details black for the contrast. After the paint dried I sanded again but just mainly on the edges, I didn't want too much of the gray to come off. I finished it off with a ebony stain. Also I used a hard paste wax on the top, just to add a little more durability since this is a table for eating on. I hope this one sells as fast as the other.. hope you enjoyed my table tale.. : )
I like what you did. I like to think outside the box. Your choices are unique. Come visit me sometime.
Looks GREAT!!! :-)